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[Video] The Many Dimensions of Sustainable Investing

norms-based screening; divestment; socially responsible investing; factor-based or thematic investing; ESG investing; best-in-class investing; active ownership; impact investing……learn about the nuances of the sustainable investing landscape

Morningstar Editors 16.05.2017
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Anthony Serhan, managing director of research strategy, Asia Pacific on The Many Dimensions of Sustainable Investing.

A lot of people find the idea of sustainable investing appealing, but what does it really mean and how can you start investing this way?

The concept originally had its roots in socially responsible investing, but as it’s grown in popularity, it has also grown more complex. There is now a range of nuanced investing approaches that all fall under the sustainability umbrella, accompanied by a flood of often-confusing names and information. The differences in these approaches come from what each aims to accomplish and how.

You can understand more about the many dimensions of sustainable investing here.

Learn more on Morningstar’s initiatives on sustainability at http://www.morningstar.com/company/sustainability.

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