New and Updated ETF Research (As of 5 November 2012)

Our global ETF analyst team has recently updated research reports on 36 exchange-traded products (ETPs) listed in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Jackie Choy, CFA 05.11.2012
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Our global ETF analyst team has recently updated research reports on 36 exchange-traded products (ETPs) listed in Hong Kong and Singapore.



Hong Kong Listed ETPs                  

Singapore Listed ETPs

China Exposure

iShares FTSE A50 China Index ETF (02823)


Hang Seng H Share Index ETF (02828)



Lyxor ETF China Enterprise (HSCEI) (P58)

iShares MSCI China Index ETF (02801)


db x-trackers MSCI China TRN Index ETF (03055)

db x-trackers MSCI CHINA TRN INDEX ETF (LG9)

Hang Seng FTSE China 25 Index ETF (02838)


db x-trackers FTSE CHINA 25 ETF  (03007)

db x-trackers FTSE China 25 ETF  (HD8)

db x-trackers CSI300 Index ETF (03049)

db x-trackers CSI300 Index ETF (KT4)

iShares CSI 300 A-Share Index ETF (02846)


W.I.S.E. – CSI 300 China Tracker (02827)


Other Equity Exposure

Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (02800)


Hang Seng Index ETF (02833)



SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (S27)


iShares S&P 500 Index Fund (I17)


db x-trackers S&P 500 TR (K6K)

db x-trackers MSCI USA TRN Index ETF (03020)

db x-trackers MSCI USA TRN Index ETF (FK8)

db x-trackers MSCI World TRN Index ETF (03019)

db x-trackers MSCI World TRN Index ETF (J0P)


Lyxor ETF MSCI World (H1P)

db x-trackers MSCI Emerging Markets TRN Index ETF (03009)

db x-trackers MSCI Emerging Markets TRN Index ETF (J0M)


Lyxor ETF MSCI Emerging Markets (H1N)

db x-trackers MSCI EM Asia TRN Index ETF (03035)

db x-trackers MSCI EM Asia TRN Index ETF ( J0N)

db x-trackers MSCI Pacific ex-Japan TRN ETF (03043)

db X-trackers MSCI Pacific ex-Japan TRN ETF (J0Q)


db x-trackers Euro STOXX 50 ETF (IH0)


db x-trackers MSCI Europe TRN Index ETF (IH3)


Lyxor ETF MSCI Europe (JC5)

db x-trackers MSCI Russia Capped Index ETF (03027)

db x-trackers MSCI Russia Capped Index ETF (J0R)


Lyxor ETF Russia (Dow Jones Russia GDR)  (JC7)

db x-trackers S&P CNX NIFTY ETF (03015)

db x-trackers S&P CNX NIFTY ETF (HE0)


Lyxor ETF MSCI India (G1N)

Fixed Income Exposure

ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund (02821)


ABF Hong Kong Bond Index Fund (02819)



ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund (A35)

Commodity Exposure

Hang Seng RMB Gold ETF (83168)


Value Gold ETF (03081)



iPath DJ-UBS Commodity Index TR ETN (J1QZ)


Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB (A0W)



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About Author

Jackie Choy, CFA  is the Director of Passive Investment Ratings, Global Manager Research.

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